Dhamma Schtuff
Reading Pali
[00:00.0] # Abhayagiri Evening Chanting (English) [00:00.1] ## Dedication of Offerings [00:01.2] (To the Bl`essed One,) th`e Lord, who f^ully `attained perfect enl`ightenment, [00:11.8] To th`e Teaching, which he exp`ound`ed so well, [00:17.0] And to th`e Blessed One’s disc^iples who have pr`acticed well, [00:23.2] To these—th`e Buddha, th`e Dhamma, `and the S^angha— [00:29.0] We render w`ith offerings our r^ightful h``omage. [00:34.8] It is w^ell for us that the Bl`essed One, having attained l`iber^ation, [00:43.0] Still had c`ompassion for later g^ener``ations. [00:48.8] May th`ese simple of^ferings be acc`epted [00:53.1] For `our long-lasting benefit and f`or the h^appiness it g``ives us. [01:00.4] Th`e Lord, th`e Perfectly Enl^ightened and Bl`essed One— [01:06.1] `I render homage t`o the B^uddha, the Bl`essed One. [01:12.8] (Bow.) [01:16.5] (Th`e Teaching,) so c`ompletely expl^ained by him— [01:22.8] I b``ow t`o th`e Dh`amma. [01:27.8] (Bow.) [01:30.7] Th`e Blessed One’s disc^iples, who have pr`acticed well— [01:37.8] I b``ow t`o th`e S`angha. [01:41.8] (Bow.) [01:44.0] ## Preliminary Homage [01:46.3] (N^ow let us pay preliminary homage to the B`uddha.) [01:52.0] [H^om^age to th`e Bl`essed,] N^oble, `and P`erfectly Enl^ightened One. (Three times.) [02:16.0] ## Recollection of the Buddha [02:17.5] (N^ow let us chant the recollection of the B`uddha.) [02:22.6] [`A good word] of th`e Blessed One’s r`eput^ation has spread as f`ollows: [02:31.7] He, th`e Bl`essed One, is indeed the P^ure One, th`e Perfectly Enl^ightened One; [02:40.6] He is `impeccable `in conduct and `understanding, the `Acc^omplished One, th`e Knower ^of th`e Worlds; [02:51.0] He trains perfectly th`ose who w^ish t^o b`e trained; he is Teacher of g^ods and h`umans; he is Awake and Holy. [03:04.0] ## Supreme Praise of the Buddha [03:05.4] [N^ow let us chant the supreme praise of the B`uddha.] [03:11.0] [Th`e Buddha,] th`e truly w^orthy one, `endowed with such ^excellent qu`alities, [03:21.0] Whose being is composed of p`urity, transcendental w^isdom, and comp`assion, [03:29.2] Who has `enlightened the _wise_ like th`e sun aw^akening the l`otus— [03:37.0] I bow `my head to th`at peaceful ch^ief of c`onquerors. [03:42.7] Th`e Buddha, who is th`e safe, s`ecure r^efuge of a``ll beings— [03:49.2] As th`e First Object of R`ecollection, `I venerate him with b^owed head. [03:57.5] I am indeed the Buddha’s s`ervant, th`e Buddha is my L^ord `and Guide. [04:05.2] Th`e Buddha is sorrow’s destr`oyer, who bestows bl^ess^ings `on me. [04:12.0] To th`e Buddha I d^edicate this b`o`dy and life, [04:17.2] And in d`evotion I w`ill _walk_ the Buddha’s p^ath of `aw`akening. [04:24.0] For me there is no other r`efuge, th`e Buddha is my ^excellent r`efuge. [04:32.0] By th`e utterance of th`is _truth_, may I grow in the M^ast`er’s Way. [04:38.6] By my d`evotion to the B`uddha, and the` blessing of this pr^actice— [04:45.8] By `its power, may `all obstacles be ^ov`ercome. [04:51.0] (Bowing:) [04:52.6] By body, speech, `or mind, [04:55.2] For whatever wr`ong action I have c`ommitted towards the B`uddha, [04:59.3] May my `acknowledgement of fault be acc^epted, [05:02.4] That `in the future there may be r`estraint regarding the B`uddha. [05:08.0] ## Recollection of the Dhamma [05:11.2] (N^ow let us chant the recollection of the Dh`amma.) [05:16.5] [Th`e Dhamma] is w`ell exp^ounded by the Bl`essed One, [05:23.4] Apparent here `and now, timeless, `encouraging inv`estig^ation, [05:31.2] Leading `inwards, to be `experienced ind`ividually b^y th`e wise. [05:38.8] ## Supreme Praise of the Dhamma [05:39.1] (N^ow let us chant the supreme praise of the Dh`amma.) [05:44.7] [It `is excellent] because it is “w`ell exp^ounded,” [05:51.0] And it can be d`ivided int`o Path and Fruit, Practice and L`iber^ation. [05:58.5] Th`e Dhamma holds those who `uphold it from f`alling int`o del^usion. [06:04.8] I revere th`e excellent t^eaching, that which removes d`arkness— [06:11.3] Th`e Dhamma, which is the s`upreme, secure r^efuge of a``ll beings— [06:18.0] As th`e Second Object of R`ecollection, `I venerate it with b^owed head. [06:25.8] I am indeed the Dhamma’s s`ervant, th`e Dhamma is my L^ord `and Guide. [06:33.5] Th`e Dhamma is sorrow’s destr`oyer, and it bestows bl^ess^ings `on me. [06:40.5] To th`e Dhamma I d^edicate this b`o`dy and life. [06:45.5] And in d`evotion I w`ill _walk_ this excellent w^ay of Truth. [06:51.7] For me there is no other r`efuge, th`e Dhamma is my ^excellent r`efuge. [06:59.4] By th`e utterance of th`is truth, may I grow in the M^ast`er’s Way. [07:06.2] By my d`evotion to the Dh`amma, and th`e blessing of this pr^actice— [07:13.3] By `its power, may `all obstacles be ^ov`ercome. [07:19.0] (Bowing:) [07:20.1] By body, speech, `or mind, [07:22.7] For whatever wr`ong action I have c`ommitted towards the Dh`amma, [07:26.7] May my `acknowledgement of fault be acc^epted, [07:30.2] That `in the future there may be r`estraint regarding the Dh`amma. [07:35.0] ## Recollection of the Sangha [07:38.8] (N^ow let us chant the recollection of the S`angha.) [07:43.8] [They are th`e Blessed One’s disc^iples,] who have pr`acticed well, [07:51.0] Who have practiced dir`ectly, [07:54.4] Who have practiced ins^ightfully, [07:57.6] _Those_ who pr^actice with int`egrity— [08:01.4] That is the f`our pairs, the eight kinds of n^obl`e beings— [08:07.0] _These_ are th`e Blessed One’s disc^iples. [08:11.0] Such ones `are worthy of gifts, worthy of h`ospit^ality, worthy of `offerings, worthy ^of r`espect; [08:21.7] They give occasion for `inc`omparable g^oodness to ar`ise `in the world. [08:29.0] ## Supreme Praise of the Sangha [08:29.6] (Now let us chant the supreme praise of the Sangha.) [08:35.5] [_Born_ `of the Dh^amma,] th`at Saṅgha which has pr^act`iced well, [08:42.4] The field of th`e Sangha formed `of _eight_ kinds of n^oble beings, [08:49.4] Guided in body `and _mind_ `by excellent mor^ality and v`irtue. [08:56.3] I revere that `assembly of n^oble beings p`erfected in p`urity. [09:04.1] Th`e Saṅgha which is the s`upreme, s`ecure r^efuge of a``ll beings— [09:11.0] As th`e Third Object of R`ecoll^ection, `I venerate it with b^owed head. [09:18.7] I am indeed the S`angha's servant, th`e Sangha is my L^ord `and Guide. [09:26.2] Th`e Sangha is sorrow’s destr`oyer and it bestows bl^ess^ings `on me. [09:33.2] To th`e Sangha I d^edicate this b`od`y and life. [09:38.1] And in d`evotion I w`ill _walk_ the well-practiced w^ay of th`e S`angha. [09:45.2] For me there is no other r`efuge, th`e Sangha is my ^excellent r`efuge. [09:53.1] By th`e utterance of th`is _truth_, may I grow in the M^ast`er’s W`ay. [09:59.7] By my d`evotion to the S`angha, and th`e blessing `of this pr^actice— [10:06.6] By `its power, may `all obstacles be ^ov`ercome. [10:12.0] (Bowing:) [10:13.0] By body, speech, `or mind, [10:15.7] For whatever wr`ong action I have c`ommitted towards the S`angha, [10:20.0] May my `acknowledgement of fault be acc^epted, [10:23.4] That `in the future there may be r`estraint regarding the S`angha. [10:29.0] ## Closing Homage [10:32.3] (Th`e Lord,) th`e Perfectly Enl^ightened and Bl`essed One— [10:40.0] `I render homage t`o the B^uddha, the Bl`essed One. [10:46.0] (Bow.) [10:49.4] (Th`e Teaching,) so c`ompletely expl^ained by him— [10:55.5] I b``ow t`o th`e Dh`amma. [10:59.5] (Bow.) [11:02.5] (Th`e Blessed One’s disc^iples,) who have pr`acticed well— [11:09.0] I b``ow t`o th`e S`angha. [11:13.0] (Bow.)